
Thursday 21 June 2012

Mango Pudding


  • 2 Mango Big size (Ripe cut into cubes)
  • 250 ml Fresh cream whips (Chilled)
  • 2 packets Gelatin
  • One cup Water (warm)
  • 200 gm Sugar (or required quantity)
  • 250 ml Milk 


  1. Take gelatin and dissolve it in warm water. Now add sugar and stir well.
  2. Beat the mango cubes in a mixer till it becomes a thick liquid.
  3. In a separate bowl add gelatin mixture, mango liquid and milk. Stir well.
  4.  Pour the content in any desired serving bowl.
  5. Cover the bowl and refrigerate the contents for about three hours. Check whether the pudding is set in a semi-solid condition.
  6. Garnish with roasted cashew nuts, strawberries or apple slices. Serve it chill